A Word from James

Pacific Sun Friends Founder

When you come to Pacific Sun Friends, our unity is a welcome gift to you.

We have respect for all & love those that contribute to a good cause; Peace on Earth, for God and the Holy Spirit, which is alive, around, through, above, inside and outside; our house is not made with hands but love. Pacific Sun Friends is like being with God. A different light that shines for all, almost too bright for some. His son in spirit shines within us to guide us. All living has spirits. Some people try to hold you down;  changing and rearranging you; to fit the system however it is good to be yourself, the truth sets you free!

By the Love of Christ, there is no one individual all wrong. We illuminate our own love to others, maintaining our direction that we understand. Please remember love is unity, not division. Being here is to know both sides of creation. The upside-down perception is to love your lover. The earth is the most precious place to clothe, cherish, and dress for our future. Each being, is an individual universe.

We aim to see the best in you, and value your friendship. We are side by side in good character, being happy doing what we choose to do.  I, myself am helped along with the loving heart felt communications from Jan who spiritually supports me heading into the future.  From 1978 until now, our friends have made Pacific Sun Friends what it is today. Spilling their blood helping others; a communicating team yoked together by their choice, helping to build unity.

We are a peaceful community of enlightened people, seeking the same of others from around the world.  Helping people of our community to gather for the well being of their life on our earth, encouraging good, rejuvenating qualities, for everyone’s future.  We have learnt that the environment we live in shapes our future. Our experiences with nature enables man to become productive.  The extraction from within ourselves is our structure for ongoing life. Nature shows us how it communicates by keeping the life chain linked together.

It was said by others here; you roamed till you made this place your home, in all of life’s games, practicing kindness, charity, being merciful & forgiving is a treasure.  Finding talents to overcome problems within ourselves, we individually find our goals. Never block the path to freedom or use death to change the path.  Taking away the boundaries, barriers and walls; allowing all to share what each are meant to have for their own development.  We are all special in our own right, respecting others to grow our insights; sharing, coming up with better living ideas.

If you are struggling, trying to save yourself, you may be influenced by shadows of others searching for love; acceptance is to take the pressure off. The spirit of love will never change anyone.  Love is all, never to be separated or divided.  When we propagate the seed and look after the fruit, life will unify; manifesting, extending, transforming into the Word of God.

We in spirit abide for the resurrection of Christ.  He knows what to do and we use his eyes to keep in tune with love to guide us on life’s path. God is of the living, not the dead. Living through the love of God, is living within God.  From his centre flows rivers of life.  We are not to change, we are complete and whole, growing towards the light of God from within us all. We find him, to find all.  This is a small seed as the maker said, will grow into a big tree producing your chosen universe.

Be right with God & you will be right within oneself – your world is a reflection of your inner-self.

With Jan by my side in spirit I endeavour to provide this sanctuary that her and I put our heart & soul into in the mid 80’s.

Sadly, in March of 2022 the body of Jan left my side however her presence is still felt to this day, not only by myself but by those of us who loved & cared for her.

John 11:25-26 Jesus said…

“I am the resurrection and the life.  The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die.”